25 April, 2019

Infosys Campus Connect Daily K10 : 2019/079

Dear All


Dear Professor,

Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!

infytq க்கான பட முடிவு
New Courses Launched
1.       Internet of Things
2.       Blockchain
3.       Speak Up
4.       Email Writing Skills

Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.

Tech News for the Day
By addressing architectural rigidity, closing talent gaps, and adopting a product mindset, leaders can realize agile’s power.
Birth of helium hydride ion allowed other molecules to form.
768k Day expected within the month, reminiscent of 512k Day when AT&T, BT, Comcast, Sprint, and Verizon all went down.

Programmer News for the Day
In this part, we will add a few awesome features to the list:
Test Client
Alternative way to add routes (like Django)
Support for templates
This release includes the ability to visualize, navigate and run unit tests through a test explorer, a feature that is commonly requested by our users.
In this installment of cheat sheet series, we’re going to cover the best practices for securely using Python.

Word for the Day
temporize verb
tem·​po·​rize | \ ˈtem-pə-ˌrīz  \
: to act to suit the time or occasion : yield to current or dominant opinion
Pressured by voters on both sides of the issue, the congressmen temporized.

Puzzle for the Day
Anagram for the Day

Teddy Puzzle

At the local play group for babies and toddlers, I was asking the mothers about the number of teddies each of their children has.

The four children are aged 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Remarkably, the children have one, two, three and four teddies, although not necessarily respectively.

Darren has more teddies that his age. John is older than Matthew. Curiously only one child has the same number of teddies as their age. Paul has fewer teddies than John and the child aged 3 has two teddies. Paul is the youngest.

Can you determine who has which teddies?

Solution (Previous Puzzle):


The lowest digit gets dropped.

An anagram is a word made by using letters of another word in a different order.
Example: shot à host

Find the anagram for the following:


Solution (Previous):

Innovation of the Day
In 1865, a U.S. patent was issued, the first for a “torpedo” used in oil well drilling (No. 47,458). The inventor was Col. Edward A.L. Roberts of New York City
In 1953, the Nature journal published the structure of DNA, as suggested in a one-page article by James Watson and Francis Crick.
In 1961, the integrated circuit was patented by Robert Noyce (No. 2,981,877).

Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
Do you see Marilyn Monroe or Albert Einstein? It may seem hard to confuse the two, but AsapSCIENCE explains how people can see both in this eyesight test.
Tea comes in different forms – milky, sweet and spicy for those in India. The Chinese drink it green with no milk. Listen to Alice and Neil discussing how this Asian leaf conquered the world and became the second most consumed drink after water.

Idiom for the Day
As far as
To the extent of something
As far as you are concerned, this chapter is over here.

Quote for the Day
Leonardo da Vinci க்கான பட முடிவு

“Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.”

Leonardo da Vinci

Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited

Infosys Campus Connect Daily : Tech Kaleidoscope : 2020/028

Dear All Dear Professor, Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!! Please find below some informat...