24 July, 2019

Infosys Campus Connect Daily K10 : 2019/133

Dear All


Dear Professor,

Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!

infytq க்கான பட முடிவு
Infosys Certification : Course Modules
1.       Programming Fundamentals using Python
2.       OOP using Python
3.       Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
4.       Learning DBMS and SQL

Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.

Tech News for the Day
"I expect this will be fixed in a future board revision," says co-creator.
S`ecurity researcher Jonathan Leitschuh has publicly disclosed a serious zero-day vulnerability for the Zoom video conferencing app on Macs.
IBM today closed on its whopping $34 billion acquisition Red Hat, bringing together tools and expertise in their quest to become the world’s top hybrid cloud provider, while providing customers greater access to open-source technologies.

Programmer News for the Day
The 8.0.0 release of Angular is here! This is a major release spanning the entire platform, including the framework, Angular Material, and the CLI with synchronized major versions.
Research with Gallup shows that many students aren’t getting the Computer Science (CS) education they need—and teachers don’t have sufficient resources to provide it.
This post is a succinct rundown of most Vue features, and how I would write them with React in 2019 with hooks.

Word for the Day
veracity noun
ve·​rac·​i·​ty | \ və-ˈra-sə-tē  \
: conformity with truth or fact : ACCURACY
We questioned the veracity of his statements

Puzzle for the Day
Anagram for the Day

Number Puzzle

What number is...

...three quarters of eight ninths of one half of 2001?

Solution (Previous Puzzle):

32 times

Puzzle Answer

An anagram is a word made by using letters of another word in a different order.
Example: shot à host

Find the anagram for the following:


Solution (Previous):

Innovation of the Day
In 1859, the paper bag manufacturing machine was patented by William Goodale, Mass.
In 1870, a U.S. patent (No. 105,338) for an improved process to produce celluloid was awarded to John Wesley Hyatt, Jr., (1837 - 1920) the man considered to be the “father of the U.S. Plastics industry,”
n 1906, the first long-distance wireless telegraphy message across water in the southern hemisphere was transmitted 300-km across Bass Strait from Devonport, Tasmania to Queenscliff, Victoria, Australia, to demonstrate Marconi's equipment.

Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
The classical physics that we encounter in our everyday, macroscopic world is very different from the quantum physics that governs systems on a much smaller scale (like atoms). One great example of quantum physics’ weirdness can be shown in the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. Josh Samani walks us through this experiment in quantum entanglement.
In this programme, Dan and Neil discuss the trend for having more than one career. They also teach you six items of useful vocabulary.

Idiom for the Day
Have a Bee in Your Bonnet
to be preoccupied with something and may also mean to talk about it excitedly, angrily, etc., often to excess;
Aunt Vivian has a bee in her bonnet over the new big box store opening in the neighborhood.

Quote for the Day

“Example moves the world more than doctrine.”

Henry Miller

Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited

Infosys Campus Connect Daily : Tech Kaleidoscope : 2020/028

Dear All Dear Professor, Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!! Please find below some informat...