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Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!
Infosys Certification : Course Modules
1. Programming Fundamentals using Python
2. OOP using Python
3. Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
4. Learning DBMS and SQL
Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.
Tech News for the Day
It turns out that you don’t need a computer to create an artificial intelligence. In fact, you don’t even need electricity.
Researchers have developed a technique for embedding data in music and transmitting it to a smartphone. Since the data is imperceptible to the human ear, it doesn't affect listening pleasure. This could have interesting applications in hotels, museums and department stores.
A newly discovered piece of Android malware that replaces portions of apps with its own code has infected more than 25 million devices, according to security firm Check Point.
Programmer News for the Day
A simple walkthrough of deriving backpropagation for CNNs and implementing it from scratch in Python.
Which C++ unit testing framework do you use? In this guest blog post, Viktor Kirilov shares how Doctest, a new C++ testing framework he contributes to, is better than others.
set of illustrated Artificial Intelligence cheatsheets covering the content of the CS 221 class. They can (hopefully!) be useful to all future students of this course as well as to anyone else interested in Artificial Intelligence.
Word for the Day
abash verb
\ ə-ˈbash \
: to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of (someone) : DISCONCERT
He had never blushed in his life; no humiliation could abash him.
Puzzle for the Day
One Word Substitution for the Day
Number Puzzle
What number do you get if... divide 200 by 1/2 and add 7?
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
3 8 1 24 1
- x - x - = -- = -
4 9 2 72 3
And 1/3 x 2001 = 667.
Give one word for each of the following:
To eat or drink too much without being able to control yourself.
Small enough to put into the mouth and eat.
Anagram for the Day [Last]
Solution (Previous):
Innovation of the Day
In 1783, the first successful steamboat, the Pyroscaphe, made a trial run on the River Saône in France. It was invented by a Frenchman, the Marquee Claude de Jouffroy d'Abbans.
In 1869, margarine was patented by Hippolyte Mège Mouriés in France (No. 86489). He won the contest held by Emperor Napoleon III to find a substitute for butter used by the French Navy. HisH formula included a fatty component that mixed to a pearly luster, so he named his product after the Greek word for pearl - margaritari.
In 1879, a patent for the first American "dobby" loom (U.S. No. 217,589) was issued to Horace Wyman and George Crompton of Worcester, Mass.
Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
One of the most amazing facts in physics is that everything in the universe, from light to electrons to atoms, behaves like both a particle and a wave at the same time. But how did physicists arrive at this mind-boggling conclusion? Chad Orzel recounts the string of scientists who built on each other’s discoveries to arrive at this ‘central mystery’ of quantum mechanics.
In this programme, Dan and Catherine discuss sighing, and learn how it is in fact a vital human activity that keeps us healthy - and teach you six items of vocabulary.
Idiom for the Day
bated breath
to wait in a nervous and excited manner
The announcer announced the last number with bated breath which made the audience very anxious of the result.
Quote for the Day
“To accomplish great things, we
must not only act, but also dream,
not only plan, but also believe.”
Anatole France
Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited