Dear Professor,
Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!
Free Courses
1. Business English
2. Business Communication
3. Programming Fundamentals using Python
4. OOP using Python
5. Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
6. Learning DBMS and SQL
7. Big Data
8. NoSQL Databases
9. Artificial Intelligence
10. Cloud Computing
11. Cyber Security
Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.
Tech News for the Day
An automatic pilot has landed a plane using image-recognition artificial intelligence to locate the runway.
Implementing the Bitcoin hash algorithm in assembly code on this 15-bit computer was challenging, but I got it to work.
In 1985, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) established IEEE 754, a standard for floating point formats and arithmetic that would become the model for practically all FP hardware and software for the next 30 years.
Programmer News for the Day
Let's look at two new features in C# 8, static local functions and the using declaration.
Research with Gallup shows that many students aren’t getting the Computer Science (CS) education they need—and teachers don’t have sufficient resources to provide it.
With the growing proliferation of data sources such as smart devices, vehicles, and applications, the need to process this data in real-time and to deliver relevant insights is more urgent than ever.
Word for the Day
vacuous adjective
vac·u·ous | \ ˈva-kyə-wəs \
: emptied of or lacking content
He had a vacuous expression on his face.
Puzzle for the Day
Anagram for the Day
Orange Puzzle
How many times does the word ORANGE appear in the grid below?
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
Four kittens can catch four mice in four minutes,
one kitten can catch one mouse in four minutes,
one kitten can catch three mice in twelve minutes,
twelve kittens can catch 36 mice in twelve minutes.
An anagram is a word made by using letters of another word in a different order.
Example: shot à host
Find the anagram for the following:
Solution (Previous):
Innovation of the Day
In 1908, Emile Berliner (who invented the gramophone in 1887) in a trial of his first "test-rig" helicopter design, found it could potentially lift double its weight.
In 1985, zippers for stitches were announced by Dr. H. Harlan Stone this day. The surgeon had used zippers on 28 patients, on whom he thought he might have to re-operate, because of internal bleeding following initial operations.
In 1997, the first sequencing of pieces of DNA extracted from a Neanderthal-type specimen was published in the journal Cell, by a team of scientists led by Svent Pääbo.
Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
Too often we think of air as empty space — but compared to a vacuum, air is actually pretty heavy. So, just how heavy is it? And if it’s so heavy, why doesn’t it crush us? Dan Quinn describes the fundamentals of air pressure and explains how it affects our bodies, the weather and the universe at large.
In this programme, Dan and Neil discuss how your food affects your mood, and teach you six items of vocabulary.
Idiom for the Day
beat a hasty retreat
abandon something (speedily)
The courier boy beat a hasty retreat when he heard the dog's furious barking from the back of the house.
Quote for the Day
“We are like the little branch that quivers during a storm, doubting our strength and forgetting we are the tree – deeply rooted to withstand all life’s upheavals.”
Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited