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Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!
Infosys : Insights
As startups and corporates seek out partnerships that transcend monetary funding, we take an interesting, by the-numbers look at how the investment landscape has evolved over the years to become largely symbiotic. In a recent report, titled ‘Finding and Developing Partners of the Future,’ Forrester Research had some compelling advice for corporate venture funds.
Infosys Certification : Course Modules
1. Programming Fundamentals using Python
2. OOP using Python
3. Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
4. Learning DBMS and SQL
Certification Slots will be re-opened in the month of Feb’ 2020
Get Ready!
Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.
Tech News for the Day
The thread-based transistors are extremely flexible, and could be used in wearables
Spam has been around for nearly as long as computers have. Digital Equipment Corp marketing manager Gary Thuerk is widely seen as the father of spam. He earned that ignominious distinction in May 1978 when he emailed more than 600 clients over ARPANET about DEC's new VAX system.
DDIO makes servers faster. It can also allow rogue servers to covertly steal data.
Programmer News for the Day
if you use gcc, there are some nonstandard C features you can use to get most of what you want out of lambda expressions.
Data engineering’s job is to help an organization move and process data. This generally requires two different systems, broadly speaking: a data pipeline, and a data warehouse.
Turn Python scripts into handouts with Markdown comments and inline figures. An alternative to Jupyter notebooks without hidden state that supports any text editor
Web Developer News for the Day
This post explains how object assignment works and how it’s different from primitive assignment.
Merging two arrays is very common while programming and many algorithms have been written to solve this problem, most modern languages offer APIs to solve these types of recurring problems and JavaScript is one of these.
This explains a simple application in plain JavaScript using the model-view-controller architectural pattern.
Word for the Day
abhorrent adjective
ab·hor·rent | \ əb-ˈhȯr-ənt , -ˈhär-, ab-\
: causing or deserving strong dislike or hatred : being so repugnant as to stir up positive antagonism
That management decision acts abhorrent to every right-minded person in the team.
Puzzle for the Day
Word Find Puzzle
How many times does the word APPLES appear in this grid? You can move horizontally or vertically one letter at a time.
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
Hayden, Blake, Frankie, Alex then Drew.
Innovation of the Day
In 1820, Francois Arago announced that a copper wire between the poles of a voltaic cell, could laterally attract iron filings to itself (Ann. de Chim. et de Physique., xv. p.93).
In 1956, the world's first transatlantic telephone cable system began operating (Clarenville, Newfoundland to Oban, Scotland). Previous cables had been limited to telegraph transmissions.
In 1974, scientists first reported that freon gases released from aerosol spray cans were destroying the ozone layer.
Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
Can you imagine a future where wars are fought not with bombs and bullets but computer viruses and pacemaker shutdowns? Cyberware is unique in that it is not covered by existing legal framework and it often inspires more questions than we are yet capable of answering. Daniel Garrie ponders some of the practical and ethical dilemmas that may pop up as we progress towards our uncertain future.
It’s been 40 years since NASA first recruited women to be astronauts. Today, a third of the people who work at NASA are women. 2016 was the first year that there were an equal number of women and men joining as astronaut trainees. 6 Minute English discusses the future for women in space and asks if the first person to step on Mars could be a woman.
Idiom for the Day
blast from the past
Something that suddenly and strongly that makes you remember a previous time in your life.
Watching that movie again was a real blast from the past.
Quote for the Day
“It's a funny thing about life; if
you refuse to accept anything but
the best, you often get it.”
W. Somerset Manghan
Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited