22 October, 2019

Infosys Campus Connect Daily K10 : 2019/183

Dear All


Dear Professor,

Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!

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Infosys : Insights
When it comes to digital transformation, most enterprises have a vision around customer experience, efficiency, agility and profitability that involves modernizing infrastructure, processes and applications. Quality assurance (QA) is often an afterthought. Testing organizations are being compelled to innovate with new and emerging technology solutions around automation.

Infosys Certification : Course Modules
1.       Programming Fundamentals using Python
2.       OOP using Python
3.       Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
4.       Learning DBMS and SQL

Certification Slots will be re-opened in the month of Feb’ 2020

Get Ready!

Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.

Tech News for the Day
Indian IT conglomerate Infosys rose from No. 31 in 2018 all the way to No. 3.
NIST has enlisted researchers from academia and private industry to get quantum-resistant cryptography ready for 2022.
Recognizing activities and anticipating which might come next is easy enough for humans, who make such predictions subconsciously all the time.

Programmer News for the Day
C++20 Concepts are now supported for the first time in Visual Studio 2019 version 16.3 Preview 2. This includes both the compiler and standard library support.
Ada was designed to be be a single language, capable of running on all of those embedded systems, that offered the same or better level of performance and reliability.
What Softmax is, how it's used, and how to implement it in Python

Web Developer News for the Day
Like any new software abstraction, CSS-in-JS is intended to abstract away some of the complexities from a lower level implementation, in this case CSS.
All the fundamental React.js concepts in one place. You can count on this guide to always be recent. We update it after every major change in React. It was last updated after the 16.9 release.
Cypress.io offers extension points called plugins. Within a plugin, you can hook into and extend Cypress behavior

Word for the Day
abecedarian noun
abe·​ce·​dar·​i·​an | \ ˌā-bē-(ˌ)sē-ˈder-ē-ən  \
: one learning the rudiments of something (such as the alphabet)
abecedarians soon learn that martial arts have a spiritual as well as physical side

Puzzle for the Day

Marathon Puzzle

After a recent marathon, the following was noted.

Alex finished after Frankie.
Drew finished after Hayden.
Frankie finished after Blake.
Hayden finished before Alex.
Blake finished after Hayden.
Blake finished before Alex.
Frankie finished before Drew.
Alex finished before Drew.

Who finished where?

Solution (Previous Puzzle):

30 days.

Originally there was enough food for 220 people for 21 days, which totals 4620 rations.

After 6 days 1320 rations were eaten.

Therefore there were now 3300 rations for 275 people, which would last for another 24 days at one-half ration per person.

Which is 30 days in total from the original sinking.

Innovation of the Day
In 1852, a new invention, the dirigible - a semi-rigid airship - was demonstrated in a flight from Paris to Trappe. Henri Giffard (1825-82) installed a small (3 h.p.) steam engine of his own design in the gondola of a 147-foot-long spindle shaped coal-gas balloon.
In 1855, the discovery of glycogen stored in the liver was communicated to the Académie des Sciences by Claude Bernard, a French physiologist.
n 1909, Thomas M. Flaherty filed for a U.S. patent, with an idea for a "Signal for Crossings" This was the first U.S. application for a traffic signal design, later issued as No. 991,964 on 9 May 1911.

Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
Many generations have felt they’ve reached the pinnacle of technological advancement. Yet, if you look back 100 years, the technologies we take for granted today would seem like impossible magic. So — will there be a point where we reach an actual limit of technological progress? And if so, are we anywhere near that limit now? Clément Vidal consults Kardashev’s scale to find out.
In this programme we discuss risk and how different people react to different levels of risk in different ways. We hear from an expert who describes the different types of risk takers and how knowing your risk type can help people such as financial advisors, make decisions for you.

Idiom for the Day
blaze a trail
pursue a line of research that points the way to great discoveries.
The medical college has blazed a trail in developing new techniques for treating diabetes.

Quote for the Day

“It is the mind that makes good or
ill. That which makes us happy
or sad; rich or poor.”

Edmund Spencer

Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited

Infosys Campus Connect Daily : Tech Kaleidoscope : 2020/028

Dear All Dear Professor, Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!! Please find below some informat...