Days Puzzle
The legendary BrainBashers calendar had a millennium bug. Here is a listing showing the number of days in each month:
January 107
February 68
March 135
April 15
May 133
June 104
July 104
August 16
September ==?==
How many days are in September?
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
7,340 metres.
---- Solution ----
Stage 1: cycled 3,670m leaving 3,670m
Stage 2: cycled 1,870m leaving 1,800m
Stage 3: cycled 1,350m leaving 450m
Stage 4: cycled 300m leaving 150m
Stage 5: cycled 150m leaving 0m
---- Solution Method ----
Stage 5's clue tells us that there were 150m left. So the distance left at the start of Stage 4 must have been:
Dist4 = Dist4 + 75 + 150
Which simplifies to give Dist4 = 450m.
Stage 3's clue tells us that 450m was one quarter of the remaining distance, so Dist3 = 1,800m.
Stage 2's clue tells us that the distance at the start of Stage 2 was:
Dist2 = Dist2 + 35 + 1800
Which simplifies to give Dist2 = 3,670m.
Stage 1's clue tells us that 3,670m was half the overall distance, which means the entire ride was 7,340m.