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Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!
Infosys Certification : Course Modules
1. Programming Fundamentals using Python
2. OOP using Python
3. Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
4. Learning DBMS and SQL
Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.
Tech News for the Day
It is absolutely the stuff of science fiction: a contact lens that zooms on your command.
Just after it announced that it was creating its own Space Command
Mob programming is relatively new, but it is just as simple an idea as pair programming.
Programmer News for the Day
Python and other languages like Java, C#, and even C++ have had lambda functions added to their syntax, whereas languages like LISP or the ML family of languages, Haskell, OCaml, and F#
To provide better error messages pinpointing where in the code an issue happened, we need to add some features to our interpreter.
This guide is written for an audience who is already familiar with languages such as C and Java.
Web Developer News for the Day
The "secret" is to do the bulk of your work locally in a background process. The less you rely on the cloud, and the more powerful you make your background process, the more you can reap these benefits.
Object.fromEntries is a useful addition to the built-in JavaScript library. Before explaining what it does, it helps to understand the pre-existing Object.entries API.
In this article, we will create a production ready Node.js application and deploy it on a DigitalOcean server in the cloud with SSL/HTTPS encryption and a custom domain.
Word for the Day
laconic adjective
la·con·ic | \ lə-ˈkä-nik \
: using or involving the use of a minimum of words : concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious
His laconic responses were inadequate and he failed the oral exam.
Puzzle for the Day
Distance Puzzle
Yesterday I went for a short bicycle ride around the local lakes. As the weather was very hot, I rode in various stages.
In the first stage I rode half of the overall distance.
Stage two saw half of the remaining distance plus 35 metres covered.
Stage three covered three-quarters of the remaining distance.
Stage four completed half of the remaining distance plus 75 metres.
Stage five completed the journey with a final burst of 150 metres.
How far did I cycle in total?
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
It will now be a left handed glove.
Innovation of the Day
In 1774, Joseph Priestley, British Presbyterian minister and chemist, identified a gas which he called "dephlogisticated air" -- later known as oxygen.
In 1793, the first definition was made for the metre: one ten-millionth of the northern quadrant of the Paris meridian (5,132,430 toises of Paris, from the north pole to the equator).
In 1893, Henry D. Perky of Colorado and William Ford of Watertown, NY, patented the pillow-shaped shredded wheat.
Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
Carl Sagan discusses the incomprehensible vastness of the universe, the wonder of our own place in it all, and the science behind understanding the likelihood of the existence of extraterrestrial beings.
Are you honest? Have you ever cheated anybody? Rob and Neil discuss if honesty comes naturally to people or if it is a product of living in a social group.
Idiom for the Day
Better The Devil You Know
to indicate that it may be better to deal with a person or a thing that you are familiar with than to have to deal with a completely new and unknown one.
I know you don’t like Ethan but we need this job done fast, and, besides, better the devil you know.
Quote for the Day
“If we are to achieve results never
before accomplished, we must
expect to employ methods never
before attempted.”
Francis Bacon
Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited