Please find below some information related to latest technology, development and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students. You may circulate this mailer to your students and faculty.
3D printing opens up a universe of possibilities in manufacturing — from low-cost manufacturing to a lean approach to design and development. This think piece explores the journey of this technology and what it could mean for our future. 3D printing is making a dent in niche areas, but not across traditional manufacturing. The trajectory of most technologies follows an uncharted, but predictable journey: The technology becomes mainstream after multiple catalysts encourage its adoption by a critical mass of users.
Power inverters convert direct current (DC), the power that comes from a car battery, into alternating current (AC), the kind of power supplied to your home and the power larger electronics need to function.
Physicists at Lancaster University have demonstrated that their invention of a new type of memory device could transform the way computers, smartphones and other gadgets work.
blame someone else (or other people in general) for something that has happened to you or things that have gone wrong and to be continuously angry about it, resulting in negative behavior.
That new guy at work sure has a chip on his shoulder.