Please find below some information related to latest technology, development and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students. You may circulate this mailer to your students and faculty.
Food for thought: food services enterprises should have elasticity in inventory of produce while minimizing food waste. The business imperative: cater to the demand for processed food while ensuring food safety. The operations dynamic: maintain food quality while rationalizing costs.
Clause 40 of the Data Protection Bill mandates every significant data fiduciary to appoint a Data Protection Officer. Here’s what India Inc. has to say about the emergence of the DPO.
The release process for Java 14 has begun. JDK 14 is now in Rampdown Phase One, which means that the overall feature set is frozen and no further features will be targeted to this release.
Donald Knuth has delvered the so-called Christmas Tree lectures at Stanford for more than two decades but having exhausted the topic of branching structures has dropped the "Tree" reference.
Very simply, GPS receivers use a combination of signals from a network of satellites and ground stations to figure out where you are and where you'd like to go.
Hidden in the grid below are eight, 7 letter words. Each word begins with the central R and you can move one letter in any direction to the next letter. All of the letters are used exactly once each. What are the words?