Jam Making Contest Puzzle
At the recent inter-departmental jam making contest, four lucky candidates took part to make the juiciest strawberry jam.
The ages of the contestants were 24, 27, 30 and 32.
As it happens the person who came last was the oldest, whereas Glen was three years older than the person who came second.
Drew was neither the oldest nor the youngest and Emery finished ahead of the 27 year old, but didn't win.
Alex was also unlucky this time and didn't win either.
Can you determine who finished where and how old they are?
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
Square the first shape's sides and the remaining shapes add up to this number.
triangle pentagon square
>> 3x3 = 5 + 4
square hexagon hexagon square
>> 4x4 = 6 + 6 + 4
hexagon octagon octagon octagon octagon square
>> 6x6 = 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 4