22 October, 2019

Infosys Campus Connect Daily K10 : 2019/193

Dear All


Dear Professor,

Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!

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Infosys : Insights
Recently, Infosys was acknowledged for its application services leadership in NelsonHall's Vendor Evaluation & Assessment Tool (NEAT). While the rating, at one level, is a reflection of our ability to deliver compelling immediate benefits to clients, what's equally relevant is that it's an indicator of our preparedness to fulfil their future needs.


Infosys Certification : Course Modules
1.       Programming Fundamentals using Python
2.       OOP using Python
3.       Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
4.       Learning DBMS and SQL

Certification Slots will be re-opened in the month of Feb’ 2020

Get Ready!

Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.

Tech News for the Day
‘The first computation that can only be performed on a quantum processor’
His watch was watching over him. But in a case of technology “spying” on us for the better, his Apple Watch detected the fall and called 911.
Quantum computing has the potential to revolutionize technology, medicine, and science by providing faster and more efficient processors, sensors, and communication devices.

Programmer News for the Day
Prerequisite: You only need to know how to run Python on your machine and some basic commands in git (commit & push).
You’ll cover all the concepts behind the internals of CPython, how they work and visual explanations as you go.
I’ve alluded to left-recursion as a stumbling block a few times, and it’s time to tackle it. The basic problem is that with a recursive descent parser, left-recursion causes instant death by stack overflow.

Web Developer News for the Day
NodeGUI is an open source library for building cross platform native desktop applications with JavaScript and CSS like styling. NodeGui apps can run on Mac, Windows, and Linux from a single codebase.
In this article I demonstrate a novel Node.js package named PyNode used to invoke Python code within a Node.js application and, more importantly, receive Python return types in the calling Node.js application.
This article explores Socket.IO, its main use cases and how to get started. We also help identify ideal use cases for Socket.IO, including signs your app has scaled beyond Socket.IO’s scope for support.

Word for the Day
scapegoat noun
scape·​goat | \ ˈskāp-ˌgōt  \
: one that bears the blame for others
The CEO was made the scapegoat for the company's failures.

Puzzle for the Day

English Puzzle

What three letter word best completes the below words?


Solution (Previous Puzzle):


The length of the words is the same length as the months of the year. January = 7 = Gorilla.

The next month required is August = 6 and Badger is the only option with 6 letters.

Innovation of the Day
In 1855, the first U.S. patent was issued for a sewing machine motor to Isaac Merritt Singer of New York City. It covered a spring and cone pulley device. (No. 13,661)
In 1876, the first two-way telephone conversation occurred over outdoor wires. Alexander Graham Bell had a two-way conversation with Thomas Watson over the telegraph line linking Boston and East Cambridge.
In 1975, Andrei Sakharov, often called father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, became the first Soviet citizen to win the Nobel Peace Prize for his work as an outspoken dissident to the Soviet regime.

Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
On April 15, 1912 the RMS Titanic tragically sank to the bottom of the sea. 73 years later, National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Dr. Robert Ballard and his team discovered the famed liner's remains. In this National Geographic segment, Dr. Ballard describes how he gathered support to find the Titanic, the moment of its discovery and the mission to preserve its legacy.
The 2018 World Cup is about to kick off in Russia. Many of us will be glued to our TV screens to follow the ups and downs of our own nation's teams and to see who finally becomes the world champion. But not everyone will be sharing the excitement of the tournament. In this programme we hear from people with different viewpoints; Neil and Rob discuss the vocabulary they use.

Idiom for the Day
Bright and Early
very early in the morning; early enough to be able to do something that is to occur very early in the morning
We have to be up bright and early to make it to the airport on time.

Quote for the Day
Napoleon Hill க்கான பட முடிவு

“If the mind of man can believe,
the mind of man can achieve.”

Napoleon Hill

Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited

Infosys Campus Connect Daily : Tech Kaleidoscope : 2020/028

Dear All Dear Professor, Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!! Please find below some informat...