In 1841, a machine “for sticking pins into paper” was patented by Samuel Slocum of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. (U.S. No. 2275).
In 1862, U.S. patent No. 36,593 was issued for a revolving turret for battleships to the inventor, Theodore Ruggles Timby (born Dover, NY, 5 Apr 1822).
In 1890, Thomas A. Edison was granted U.S. patent No. 437422 for telegraphy, Nos. 437423,-4,-6 for a phonograph; No. 437425 for a phonograph-recorder; No. 437427 for a "Method of Making Phonograph Blanks"; No. 437428 for a "Propelling Device for Electrical Cars"; and No. 437429 for a phonogram blank.