In 1857, Charles Darwin, now 48 years old, had not yet published his theory of evolution. On this day, he sent a letter to Asa Gray, a Harvard botanist, discussing his theory. The encouragement which followed from Gray and others, and new knowledge that Alfred Russell Wallace had independently developed the same theory, prompted Darwin to end 20 years of indecision and publish his ideas.
In 1885, Sylvanus Bowser, inventor of the first U.S. gas pump, made his initial sale to Jake Gumper, owner of a service station in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
In 1862, a balloon ascent to a height of 7 miles was made by metereologist James Glaisher and his pilot Henry Tracey Coxwell. Although this was the greatest height then achieved by passengers in a balloon, its precise altitude is unknown because Glaisher lost consciousness and was unable to read the barometer.