Decoding Puzzle
The beginning of a well known book has been encrypted below. Each letter of the alphabet has been replaced by another using a simple substitution technique. For example, A may always be represented by G, etc. Can you name the book?
Qdne gnpn hyq ptmxgte admxipnh qy rnumh gmqd. M iyh'q cwjjycn qdne dti nonp qdywudq trywq ptmxgtec nbanjq tc t vnthc yl unqqmhu qy Vtcznxehn thi Ayyz'c, qdn Jthqyvmvn, Syyxyumatx Utpinhc, thi Vtitvn Qwcctwi'c. Qdne gnpn kwcq ypimhtpe cwrwprth admxipnh, thi qdne xmoni gmqd qdnmp Ltqdnp thi Vyqdnp mh th ypimhtpe pni-rpmaz-lpyhqni omxxt, gmqd ayxywpni uxtcc mh qdn lpyhq iyyp, t qmxni jtcctun qdtq gtc atxxni t dtxx, t rtqd-pyyv gmqd dyq thi ayxi gtqnp, nxnaqpma rnxxc, Lpnhad gmhiygc, thi t uyyi intx yl gdmqn jtmhq, thi 'nonpe vyinph ayhonhmnhan', tc qdn dywcn-tunhqc cte.
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
Continuum, continuums, residuum, residuums, vacuum, vacuums, vacuumed, vacuuming, muumuu, muumuus.
There are a few more less common words such as menstruum, menstruums, triduum, triduums, weltanschauung, weltanschauungen.