21 October, 2019

Infosys Campus Connect Daily K10 : 2019/153

Dear All


Dear Professor,

Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!

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Infosys Certification : Course Modules
1.       Programming Fundamentals using Python
2.       OOP using Python
3.       Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
4.       Learning DBMS and SQL

Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.

Tech News for the Day
Capital One got the red flag that every modern company hopes to avoid - their data had been breached. Over 106 million people affected. 140,000 Social Security numbers. 80,000 bank account numbers. 1,000,000 Social Insurance Numbers.
Grab security patches now from chip designer, Google
Just over 15 years after the first reported incident of phishing, new research suggests tech companies could be doing more to protect users from the threat of scams.

Programmer News for the Day
This post is an introduction to the most important standards and sets you on the course to other resources that can help build your C# prowess.
An introduction to Google’s new data visualization guidelines
kepler.gl is an advanced geospatial visualization tool open sourced by Uber’s Visualization team in 2018 and contributed to the Urban Computing Foundation earlier this year.

Web Developer News for the Day
WebVR is a technology that allows you to connect VR devices to your Browser and experience VR directly on a website.
Turning Redux state into a JavaScript string you can parse with JSON.parse() instead of an object literal, or inert script tag, appears to be significantly faster than other approaches for sending Redux store state to the browser.
In the Stack Overflow 2018 Developer Survey, Vs-code was ranked as the most popular development environment with around 35% out of over 100,000 respondents on the basis of its usage. More stunningly, this figure is about 39% in the web development field.

Word for the Day
prowess noun
prow·​ess | \ ˈprau̇-əs also ˈprō-  \
: extraordinary ability
He is known for his prowess on the football field.

Puzzle for the Day

Chess Puzzle

How many squares, of any size, can you find on this chess board that do not contain a Rook?

Chess Board

Solution (Previous Puzzle):


Since there were 5 teams in the league there were a total of 10 possible games (either way around):
   Longton  vs  Fenton
   Longton  vs  Blurton
   Longton  vs  Hulton
   Longton  vs  Fulton
   Fenton   vs  Blurton
   Fenton   vs  Hulton
   Fenton   vs  Fulton
   Blurton  vs  Hulton
   Blurton  vs  Fulton
   Hulton   vs  Fulton

Since each game distributed 2 points to the two teams there were a total of 20 points available to the league.

The results shown add to 17, leaving the remaining 3 to Fulton.

Innovation of the Day
In 1859, the first U.S. patent for an escalator-type idea - titled "Revolving Stairs" - was issued to Nathan Ames, of Saugus, Mass. (No. 25,076).
In 1898, the diesel internal combustion engine was issued a U.S. patent by 608,845. The inventor was Rudolf Diesel.
In 1904, the Protectograph check-writing machine was patented under the title “Printing-Stamp” by Libanus McLouth Todd of Rochester, New York (U.S. Patent No. 766,853).

Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
Is teleportation possible? Could a baseball transform into something like a radio wave, travel through buildings, bounce around corners, and change back into a baseball? Oddly enough, thanks to quantum mechanics, the answer might actually be yes... sort of! Sajan Saini explains.
If two people are talking lively and you don't understand their culture or their language, you might think they are having an argument. Neil and Tim talk about this kind of situation and teach you six items of vocabulary.

Idiom for the Day
Beyond Your Wildest Dreams
it is much better than you imagined, expected, or hoped.
History has shown that future technology will be beyond our wildest dreams.

Quote for the Day

“If you have a burning desire
and a plan to take action, there is
absolutely nothing you cannot

Thomas J. Vilord

Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited

Infosys Campus Connect Daily : Tech Kaleidoscope : 2020/028

Dear All Dear Professor, Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!! Please find below some informat...