08 March, 2019

Infosys Campus Connect Daily K10 : 2019/047

Dear All


Dear Professor,

Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!!

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Free Courses
1.       Business English
2.       Business Communication
3.       Programming Fundamentals using Python
4.       OOP using Python
5.       Data Structures & Algorithms using Python
6.       Learning DBMS and SQL
7.       Big Data
8.       NoSQL Databases
9.       Artificial Intelligence
10.   Cloud Computing
11.   Cyber Security

Please find below links for the information related to latest technology and trends. This could help your faculty members and/or your college students.

Tech News for the Day
Researchers say Intel won't be able to use a software mitigation to fully address the problem Spoiler exploits.
Companies want to take advantage of the AI hype
A new study by researchers at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering explores how robots persuade and build trust with humans.

Programmer News for the Day
Most modern computer networks are constantly generating massive amounts of logging data, including websites and other systems accessed from within the network.
The problem: programming languages are created by programmers for programmers.
The hacker mentality is to want to grab the low-hanging fruit, or go after the easiest target.

Word for the Day
masquerade noun
mas· quer· ade | \ ˌmas-kə-ˈrād  \
: a social gathering of persons wearing masks and often fantastic costumes
She could not keep up the masquerade any longer.

Puzzle for the Day
Anagram for the Day

Businessmen Puzzle

These five businessmen represented different companies at a recent trade fair. Unfortunately, the hotel they were all due to stay in had accidentally double booked their rooms. They tried other hotels in the area but all were fully booked. Consequently, they all agreed to share the only two rooms available in the hotel - one twin and one triple.

From the clues, can you work out each man's name, company and official title?
1. When the five men realised their dilemma, they drew straws to see who would share with whom. The outcome for four of them was that the CEO shared with the businessman from ABM Inc. and Edgar shared with the Developer.
2. Alan does not work for Reed Right and is not the Director. The Director does not work for Lantel or Blue Teeth.
3. Neither Clarkson nor Grimaldi works for Reed Right. Grimaldi is either the IT Analyst or the CEO.
4. The businessman from Reed Right did not share a room with Thomas.
5. Clarkson, who does not work for Lantel, shared with either Thomas or Grimaldi but not both.
6. Edgar's surname is either Casson or Graves. Edgar did not share with Carl.
7. The businessman from Chiptech shared with the businessman from Lantel.
8. The CEO shared with the IT Analyst.
9. Casson works for either Blue Teeth or Chiptech.
10. Neither Joshua nor Alan works for ABM Inc.
11. Fielder shared with the Director.
12. The businessman from Blue Teeth shared with the Developer.

First names : Alan, Carl, Edgar, Joshua, Thomas.
Last names  : Casson, Clarkson, Fielder, Graves, Grimaldi.
Company     : ABM Inc., Blue Teeth, Chiptech, Lantel, Reed Right.
Position    : Accountant, CEO, Developer, Director, IT Analyst.

Solution (Previous Puzzle):

A Yellowhammer.


An anagram is a word made by using letters of another word in a different order.
Example: shot à host

Find the anagram for the following:


Solution (Previous):

Innovation of the Day
In 1618, Johannes Kepler formulated his Third Law of Planetary Motion.
In 1775, Joseph Priestley, having discovered oxygen on 1 Aug 1774, experimented with mice in his home laboratory on whether it is necessary to support life
In 1855, the first U.S. suspension bridge was crossed by its first train. Started in 1853, and completed in 1854, the suspension bridge spanned the gorge at Niagara Falls, New York.

Video for the Day
Podcast for the Day
Do all of your cells get switched out for new ones every seven years or so? Does anything remain with you throughout your entire life? These are the questions addressed by NPR's Skunk Bear.
Listen to Rob and Neil discussing a London apartment block with front and back entrances for private and social housing - or so-called rich and poor doors. You can decide whether this makes sense, whilst learning some housing-related vocabulary.

Idiom for the Day
up the ante
increase the demands or risks to obtain better results
The government has upped the ante by refusing to negotiate with the ultras until a ceasefire has been agreed.

Quote for the Day

“A man’s dreams are an index to his greatness.”

Zadok Rabinowitz

Thanks & Regards,
Team Campus Connect,
Infosys Limited

Infosys Campus Connect Daily : Tech Kaleidoscope : 2020/028

Dear All Dear Professor, Greetings from Infosys Campus Connect Team!!! Please find below some informat...