Page Number Puzzle
I am compiling the BrainBashers world almanac and it now contains lots of pages.
I know that it takes 121 digits to print the page numbers in sequence.
How many numbered pages does the book have and how many times does the number 9 appear?
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
Name Town # Routine
Boo Boo Shrimpton 2nd Flower
Strumpy Stockville 4th Unicycle
Tambo Budsworth 5th Custard Pie
Grego Whitfield 7th Rubber Mallet
The positions that the four clowns could finish are 2nd, 4th, 5th and 7th. The Budsworth clown finished one place below Strumpy (1) so Strumpy must have been 4th and the Budsworth clown 5th. The (male) clown on the unicycle finished two places below Boo Boo (2) so must have been 7th or 4th. Since the clown who came 7th was female, the clown on the unicycle must have been 4th and is Strumpy and Boo Boo came 2nd. Tambo (male) is not the clown who came 7th (3), 2nd (Boo Boo) or 4th (Strumpy) so came 5th with his custard pie act (4) and Grego came 7th with her rubber mallet so by elimination, Boo Boo's act involved the flower. The Budsworth clown (Tambo) came 5th, neither Strumpy (1) nor Boo Boo (2) came from Whitfield so the clown from Whitfield was Grego (7th). The Shrimpton clown was placed higher than the Stockville clown (4) so came 2nd and the Stockville clown came 4th.