Travel Puzzle
Last week, I travelled from London to Stoke. On the first day I travelled one half of the distance. On day two, I travelled one third of the remaining distance. On day three, I travelled three quarters of the remaining distance. Yesterday I travelled one half of the remaining distance. I now have 5 miles left to travel.
How far is it from Stoke to London in total?
Solution (Previous Puzzle):
He eats through 8,000 pages.
Remember, when the encyclopedia is in the correct order on the bookshelf, the first volume is on the left, so the first page is not on the extreme left, nor extreme right. And also remember that he's eating from the first page to the last in a straight line, so doesn't eat either of these 2 pages.
The answer will also remain the same if you consider each sheet of paper to be two pages, he will eat 4,000 sheets of paper, which is still 8,000 pages.
An anagram is a word made by using letters of another word in a different order.
Example: shot à host
Find the anagram for the following:
Solution (Previous):