03 January, 2015

M/s Wipro's AppLife Contest Launched - Hurry in your Entries!

Attention to KSRCE ites . . .

Long awaited . . .

Our Industry Partner M/s Wipro's

Wipro Applife is a successful social collaborative mobile platform that has allowed over 130000 Wiproites to showcase their creative and technical talent in building cross-platform Smartphone and tablet apps for consumers and enterprises. 

Now Wipro is bringing AppLife to you through Campus Arena.

Rules And Regulations:
  • You will have to register as a contestant to be able to participate in this contest
  • The contest will last for a period of 4 months. You are expected to complete the application development before the given time and submit it on Campus Arena portal
  • An SDK (Software Development Kit) will be made available to you. You may download the SDK and use your own computers to develop the application.

A detailed report is required when you are submitting the application. The documentation must include the below
  • Name of the application
  • Description
  • System and Software requirement analysis
  • Tools and Techniques
  • Validation Parameters
  • Dependencies and constraints
  • Other additional information

Categories for Application development:
  • Healthcare Management System
  • Fun and Entertainment / Games
  • Business
  • Biometrics
  • Telematics.
The contest will start on the 2nd of January 2015 ( today ) and would run for the next 4 months for completion. 

So why wait? Just logon to Campus Arena
Join the Contest Now! : http://www.wipro-campusarena.com/social-learning/index.html

Once you login to campus arena click on Events -> AppLife'15 to register for the contest.
Exciting prizes waiting for the winners !!

Look forward to having great particiaption from all of you.

* * * Best Wishes * * * 

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